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Before getting started with the PDX Tools API, you'll want to ensure you have a PDX Tools account so you can get an API key. You can always generate a new API key on the account page.

PDX Tools' philosophy is to have an overly simple API and push most of the analysis client side so all uploaded saves can seamlessly take advantage of new features as they are added to the analysis engine. If it is desired to upload a save and then perform queries against the save, then consider Skanderbeg's API.

Please use the Discord for help with the API or if you have any suggestions.


To upload a file to PDX Tools, it is easiest to run the cli which uses this same endpoint and does all the heavy lifting. If an API is still desired, below is the API endpoint:


All requests must be authenticated through basic auth with your user id and API key.

All requests must contain the "rakaly-filename" HTTP header which describes the filename of the uploaded files, as multipart/form-data is not officially supported by the API.

The contents of the POST request will be the save. However, depending on how the save is encoded, some additional steps must be taken. For saves that are already a zip file, no additional steps are necessary and can be uploaded. Saves that are not in a zip, must be first compressed in a gzip-compatible format

First, an example request to upload a save that is a zip file.

curl "" \
--header "rakaly-filename: ita1.eu4" \
--header "Content-Type: application/zip" \
--data-binary @ita1.eu4 \
--user "yourUserId"

Setting the content type header to plain text is not required for the request to be accepted but is recommended to be future proof.

Once uploaded, the server will return a response resembling:

"save_id": "xxx"
Field breakdown

The unique identifier for the uploaded save. The save will be publicly hosted at /eu4/saves/xxx

If the file uploaded would consume a save slot but none are remaining, then an HTTP 400 response is returned.

All API errors will return a JSON response that contains a user-friendly "msg" field.


Melting is the process of converting a binary encoded (eg: an ironman save) into a plaintext save.

To melt a save offline, one can use the cli or interface with librakaly, which is a shared library that one can integrate with any programming language.

There is no API endpoint for melting.